We are a law firm in Plattsburgh, NY that tries to help every single person.

Favro Law is a law firm based in Plattsburgh, New York with an affiliation with Lamarche Safranko Law in Albany to provide broad and in depth representation on legal matters with concentration in the areas of real estate (commercial and residential), litigation/negligence, family law, corporate-business matters, criminal matters (specializing in DWI representation), wills-estate planning and municipal law.  We have over forty years of experience representing clients in the North Country – call us to benefit from our years of experience to guide you through what can be a very stressful and uncertain time.  We are uniquely positioned to provide quality legal representation; large enough to meet your needs but small enough to spend the time necessary to evaluate your situation and efficiently work with you to achieve the best result.
Favro Law is affiliated in Albany, NY with:

Corporate Law

The highly experienced business attorneys of Favro Law assist clients in the North Country with any legal matter your corporation may face. We provide quality legal advice and assistance throughout every stage of corporate operations, from guiding you through the important decision of which corporate entity is best for your business to dissolution of your corporation when the time arrives. Our corporate attorneys are experienced in developing and implementing creative structures to help position our clients so they receive the maximize value in each transaction. Daily we guide both early-stage and mature corporations through challenging situations. 

Wills & Estates

You care deeply about your loved ones and want to make sure they are taken care of upon your death. If you are like a lot of people, you know you should take the time to do a will or a living trust, but never quite get around to it. You are too busy, you expect it will take too much time and will be too expensive--so you just keep putting it off. Completing a quality New York estate plan customized for you by a New York state bar licensed attorney to meet your exact goals and needs, does not have to be that difficult. 

Criminal Defense

In criminal investigations, time is of the essence. The earlier we can preserve evidence, review the crime scene, and interview witnesses the better for you since it is less likely that important information will be forgotten, lost or destroyed. Favro Law's criminal law experience and knowledge of the local court system provide our clients with results-oriented defense against the accusations of the government. The police department and the district attorney’s office have important roles and responsibilities in our society, but they sometimes fall short and make mistakes or get swayed by false assumptions with potentially disastrous consequences for the defendant. 

Traffic Law

Most people who receive traffic tickets think of them as a major inconvenience rather than as a criminal offense they have been charged with. Because of this, many of them simply choose to pay the fine or defend themselves instead of hiring a criminal defense attorney. Unfortunately, the results of this approach may result in unnecessary points being added to your driving record and a minimum of three years with excessive insurance premiums.